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What can I choose in the calculator?

The calculator lets you choose the share of the liquid transport fuel demand covered by Biofuels in Switzerland in the selected year (2035 or 2050).


image Mark Walton, via Wikimedia Commons

IMPACT – What are the impacts of Biofuels?

In Switzerland, increasing the share of Biofuels will have the following impacts:

Energy system

image Likely to have limited impact on final energy demand

image No impact on electricity consumption or grid balancing.

image Reduce total diesel / gasoline consumption.

image Likely to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix.

image Likely to increase energy independence and energy security.

Environment & Climate

image Very likely to reduce global CO2 emissions.

image Limited impact on emissions of harmful pollutants or noise.

image Adverse impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems are possible, due to land use change and intensive agriculture

Society & Economy

image Likely to have limited impact on the cost of the energy transition.

image May increase the cost of fuel in the short term.

image Likely to have limited impact on total cost for the vehicles owners.

image May improve balance of payments by substituting oil imports by domestic biomass.

image May boost rural economies by supporting agriculture

image Reduces Confederation income from the tax on mineral oil under the current taxation system.

GLOBAL MARKET – What is the global market for Biofuels?

Europe has set a target of 10% renewable energy in transport (on an energy basis) in 2020. Most of this is expected to be fulfilled with biofuels as (renewable) electricity and (renewable) hydrogen will still play a relatively small role by 2020. Of the total transport energy demand in the EU-27, 4.7% (14.4 Mtoe) was met with biofuels (of which 79% was biodiesel, 20% bioethanol and 1% “other”).[1]


DEFINITION - What are Biofuels?

The “Biofuels (%)” slider represents the percentage of the demand of fuels for transport that is met with biofuels (ethanol, biodiesel and biogas).

A biofuel is a fuel made from plant material, either as a purpose grown crop or as wastes from other agricultural processes. Common biofuels include bio-ethanol, vegetable oils, fatty-acid methyl esters, and bio-methane gas. Most liquid biofuels are blended into standard pump gasoline and diesel, allowing use with standard engines; use in un-blended form is likely to require engine modification.

Carbon saving is derived from atmospheric carbon absorbed in the growing process, although carbon from agricultural and process energy has to be taken into account.

CONSTRAINTS - What are the key barriers facing Biofuels deployment?

• Standard engines have technical “blend walls”, meaning that only a certain amount of biofuel can be tolerated in the fuel blend.

• Some biofuels can have limited overall carbon benefit or can cause other environmental impacts – careful analysis of the supply path is required.

• Considerations of land use change and environmental impacts limit the availability of biofuels – they cannot replace fossil fuels completely.

• Competition with food production may risk developing world food shortages.

ASSUMPTIONS – What are the assumptions considered in the calculator?

You will find more information about the passenger transport model of the calculator here.

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biofuel_more.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/16 15:21 by