The information of the output indicators appears under the labels “General Indicators” and “Detailed graph”. General indicator displays the annual values for the chosen year (2035 or 2050) and for 2011 (red bar). While “Detailed graph” shows the monthly distribution of one of the indicators for 2035 or 2050 (front bars) and it compares it with the 2011 data (back bars). The user can change the indicator shown on the “Detailed graph” by clicking on one of the different “General indicators”.
Final energy consumption is the amount of energy that is used (in Switzerland and abroad) to cover the Swiss energy demand. In “Detailed graph” the energy consumption is disaggregatted under different labels:
Its unit is GWh. The GWh is an energy unit. It can be confused with the GW or the KW which are power units.
The indicator is called CO2 equivalent emissions because it accounts for the emissions of all the gases that produce the green house effect. The effect of a certain gas on the global warming is compared to the effect of 1 kg of carbon monoxide (CO2). For example emitting 1 kg of Methane (CH4) is equivalent to 25 kg of CO2 in terms of global warming. Summing up, the emissions of any of the Green House Gases (GHG) are accounted as equivalent emissions of CO2.
An LCA (Life cycle assessment) approach has been used in order to calculate the CO2 equivalent emissions. Meaning that the emissions produced by vehicles, power plants and boilers are taken into account as well as those related to the construction of power plants or the production and transport of the fuels. Hence, being more generic, LCA allows to asses the emissions associated to all the stages of the product's life (from cradle to grave).
It is under development.
“Electricity deficit” is the yearly accumulated deficit of electricity. It can be considered as an indicator of the energy security of Switzerland, because the electricity deficit is covered by electricity imports from neighbouring countries, what makes Switzerland dependent on other countries.
The impact assessment method used for calculating the deposited waste is “ecological scarcity 2006 / total deposited waste”. The unit of the obtained value is “UBP”. The output indicator shows millions of UBP (MM UBP). This method takes into account the volume required for storing the generated waste (including the radioactive waste) and the contaminants dumped into the water (river, sea and underground streams).
The computation of the deposited waste is also based on a life cycle analysis.