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What can I choose in the calculator?

The calculator lets you choose the share of total heat demand covered by District Heating in Switzerland in the selected year (2035 or 2050). Increasing the District Heating fraction, will decrease the Decentralised Heating fraction proportionally.

District Heating

image Insulated underground pipes for centralised (district) heating

IMPACT – What are the impacts of District Heating?

In Switzerland, increasing the share of District heating at the expense of Decentralised heating will have the following impacts:

Energy system

image Reduce primary and final energy demand.

image Likely to decrease electricity demand by displacing electric forms of decentralised heating, unless the share of centralised heat pumps increases significantly.

image Likely to reduce total consumption of heating oil and natural gas as centralised boilers and cogeneration are more efficient than decentralised solutions.

image Impact on the grid depends on the type of technologies chosen.

image Likely to increase energy independence by decreasing fossil fuel imports.

Environment & Climate

image Very likely to reduce global CO2 emissions.

image Likely to reduce deposited waste.

image Other impact categories are technology specific.

Society & Economy

image Cost of the energy transition, impact on Balance of payments and Confederation income, depend on the technologies chosen.

GLOBAL MARKET – What is the global market for District Heating?

District Heating has an average market share of 10% in Europe, but in North, Central and Eastern Europe, this can be as high as 50% percent and more.[1] Heating is the largest energy end-use in Europe and is responsible for around 50% of total final energy consumption. 70% of total primary energy demands are concentrated in urban areas, suggesting a large fraction of the primary energy demand could be met with District Heating.


DEFINITION - What is District Heating?

With District Heating, heat that is generated ‘centrally’ is distributed through a network of pipes to the end users (a household or medium or large size industrial facility). The heat can be generated with various technologies and in the calculator, Central Heating is represented by the following technologies: Centralised Heat pump, Cogeneration, Centralised Boiler and Deep Geothermal.

CONSTRAINTS - What are the key barriers facing District Heating deployment?

• Requires district heating infrastructure (network) which can be capital intensive to deploy, particularly as a retrofit.

• Currently low energy prices make the economics of such an integrated energy system quite challenging without significant policy drivers.

ASSUMPTIONS – What are the assumptions considered in the calculator?

You will find more information about district heating here.

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dh_more_2.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/16 15:21 by