Passenger transport fuel consumption

Next table provides the percentage of Fuel Consumption Reduction that has been considered for each powertrain and fuel by 2050 compared to 2011.

Fuel consumption reductions [%] [5]
Fuel cell 35.5

The table below contains the fuel consumptions for 2010 and 2050. The 2050 fuel consumptions that do not have a source have been computed with the table above (Fuel consumption reduction [%]). The 2035 fuel consumptions are calculated with a linear interpolation between 2010 and 2050, except those that are available in the PROGNOS report [1]:Tram&Trolley and Train.

Vehicles Fuel consumption 2010 Fuel consumption 2050
fuel elec fuel elec
MJ/pkm MJ/pkm MJ/pkm MJ/pkm
Gasoline car 1.80 [4] 1.40
Diesel car 1.58 [4] 1.28
CNG car 2.00 [4] 1.58
HEV car 1.07 [3] 0.78
PHEV car 0.78 [3]0.200.550.14
BEV car 0.45 [8] 0.34
Fuel cell car 0.83 [9] 0.54 [9]
Tram&Trolley 0.59 [1]
Diesel Bus&Coach1.08 [4] 0.88
Hybrid diesel Bus&Coach0.79 [10] 0.58
CNG Stoich. Bus&Coach1.27 [11] 1.00
H2FC Hybrid Bus&Coach0.95 [10] 0.73
Train 0.31 [1]


[1] Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050

[2] La mobilité en Suisse - Résultats du microrecensement mobilité et transports 2010

[3] U.S. Department of Energy - Most Efficient EPA-Certified Vehicles - Current Model Year

[4] ecoinvent

[5] U.S. Department of Energy - Light-Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Displacement Potential up to 2045

[6] Annual review 2012 - IATA

[7] Sustainability report Balance 2006 - Lufthansa Group

[8] U.S. Department of Energy - Chevrolet Volt

[9] U.S. Department of Energy - Fuel cell vehicles

[10] EU - Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Technology State of the Art Review


[12] OFS - Mobilité et transports 2013