Kosten dezentralisierter Boiler

Die folgenden Tabellen enthalten die ökonomischen Parameter, die im dezentralisierten Boilermodell erarbeitet worden sind.

Spezifische Investitionen [CHF2010/kWth]
Gas MIN 154 [1]
MID 178 [1][2]
MAX 250 [2]
Öl MIN 428 [2]
MID 547 [2]
MAX 687 [2]
HolzMIN 792 [2]
MID 933 [2]
MAX 1074 [2]
Betriebs- und Unterhaltskosten [CHF2010/kWth]
Gas 14 [1][2]
Öl 24 [2]
Holz 36 [2]
Lebensdauer [Jahre] 17 [2]


[1] NERA & AEA (2009), The UK Supply Curve for Renewable Heat, Study for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

[2] Commission of the European Communities (2008), Energy Sources, Production Costs and Performance of Technologies for Power Generation, Heating and Transport