Decentralized cogeneration cost

Next tables contain the economic parameters that have been introduced in the Decentralized cogeneration model.

Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
Gas microGT MIN 1'358 [2]1'358 [2]1'358 [2]
MID 2'011 [2]1'750 [2]1'750 [2]
MAX 2'664 [2]2'142 [2]2'142 [2]
50kWe MIN 3'303 [1]3'037 [1]2'848 [1]
MID 3'933 [1][2]3'556 [1][2]3'461 [1][2]
MAX 4'563 [2]4'075 [2]4'075 [2]
160kWe MIN 1'648 [1]1'292 [1]1'212 [1]
MID 2'496 [1][2]2'161 [1][2]2'121 [1][2]
MAX 3'343 [2]3'030 [2]3'030 [2]
Oil MIN 1'648 [1]1'292 [1]1'212 [1]
MID 2'496 [1][2]2'161 [1][2]2'121 [1][2]
MAX 3'343 [2]3'030 [2]3'030 [2]
Solid fuel MIN 4'266 [2]3'500 [2]3'396 [2]
MID 4'266 [2]3'500 [2]3'396 [2]
MAX 4'266 [2]3'500 [2]3'396 [2]
O&M cost [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
Gas microGT 93 [2]76 [2]73 [2]
50kWe 131 [1][2]115 [1][2]113 [1][2]
160kWe 110 [1][2]96 [1][2]93 [1][2]
Oil 20 [2]110 [1][2]96 [1][2]93 [1][2]
Solid fuel 27 [1][2]165 [2]120 [2]115 [2]
Lifetime [years] 20 [1]


[1] NEEDS project (2008), Final report on technical data, costs, and life cycle inventories of advanced fossil power generation systems

[2] PROGNOS (2007), Die Energieperspektiven 2035 - Band 5, Analyse und Bewertung des Elektrizitätsangebotes.

[3] PROGNOS (2012), Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050, Energienachfrage und Elektrizitätsangebot in der Schweiz 2000–2050.