Nuclear power plant cost

Next tables contain the economic parameters that have been introduced in the nuclear power model.

Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
MIN 4'307 [1] 2'805 [2] 2'500 [3]
MID 4'903 [1][4] 4'461 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]4'524 [2][3][4][5][6][7]
MAX 6'000 [4]6'526 [7]7'750 [4]
O&M cost [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
36 [2]32 [2][4]21 [4]
Lifetime [years]2011 50 [8]
2035 60 [4][7]
2050 60 [4][7]
Fuel cost [CHF2010/MWhe]
2011 2035 2050
MIN 11.86 [7] 6.67 [7] 6.52 [2]
MID 13.51 [7] 13.14 [2][7]
MAX 17.45 [7]19.48 [7]


[1] IEA (2014), WEIO 2014-Power Generation Investments Assumptions.

[2] NEEDS project(2007), Final report on technical data, costs and life cycle inventories of nuclear power plants


[4] VSE(2012), Energie nucléaire

[5] European Commission (2011), Energy Roadmap 2050, Impact assessment and scenario analysis

[6] PROGNOS (2007), Die Energieperspektiven 2035 - Band 5, Analyse und Bewertung des Elektrizitätsangebotes.

[7] PROGNOS(2008), Kosten Neuer Kernkraftwerke

[8] World Nuclear Association website, Nuclear power in Switzerland