Centralized cogeneration cost

Next tables contain the economic parameters that have been introduced in the Centralized cogeneration model.

Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
CCGT-CHP MIN 801 [1]745 [1]708 [1]
MID 1'127 [1][2][4][6]1'046 [1][2][4]942 [1][2]
MAX 1'846 [6]1'301 [2]1'241 [2]
Biomass-CHP MIN 4'350 [4]3'994 [4]3'994 [4]
MID 1'127 [4][5]1'046 [4][5]942 [4][5]
MAX 8'206 [5]8'024 [5]8'024 [5]
Diesel-CHP MIN 838 [2]774 [2]725 [2]
MID 838 [2]774 [2]725 [2]
MAX 838 [2]774 [2]725 [2]
Waste-CHP MIN 4'702 [3]4'179 [3]4'179 [3]
MID 7'503 [3][4][5]7'037 [3][4][5]7'037 [3][4][5]
MAX 11'479 [5]11'387 [5]11'387 [5]
O&M cost [CHF2010/kWe]
2011 2035 2050
CCGT-CHP 45 [1][4][6]27 [1][4]27 [1][4]
Biomass-CHP 242 [4][5]244 [4][5]244 [4][5]
Diesel-CHP 67 [1]55 [1]50 [1]
Waste-CHP 399 [3][4][5]395 [3][4][5]395 [3][4][5]
CCGT-CHP Biomass-CHP Diesel-CHP Waste-CHP
Lifetime [years] 25 [1]25 [5]20 [1]25 [5]


[1] NEEDS project (2008), Final report on technical data, costs, and life cycle inventories of advanced fossil power generation systems

[2] PROGNOS (2012), Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050, Energienachfrage und Elektrizitätsangebot in der Schweiz 2000–2050.

[3] PROGNOS (2007), Die Energieperspektiven 2035 - Band 5, Analyse und Bewertung des Elektrizitätsangebotes.

[4] IEA (2014), WEIO 2014-Power Generation Investments Assumptions.

[5] UK DECC (2011), Review of the generation costs and deployment potential of renewable electricity technologies in the UK.

[6] Parsons Brinckerhoff (2011), Electricity Generation Cost Model - 2011 Update Revision 1