====== Costo della caldaia decentralizzata ====== Le tabelle seguenti contengono i parametri economici che sono stati introdotti nel modello [[d_boiler_more|Caldaia decentralizzata]]. ^ Investimento specifico [CHF2010/kWth] ^^^ ^ ^^ 2011-2050 ^ ^Gas ^MIN |154 [[#References|[1]]]| ^::: ^MID |178 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[2]]]| ^::: ^MAX |250 [[#References|[2]]]| ^Olio ^MIN |428 [[#References|[2]]]| ^::: ^MID |547 [[#References|[2]]]| ^::: ^MAX |687 [[#References|[2]]]| ^Legno ^MIN |792 [[#References|[2]]]| ^::: ^MID |933 [[#References|[2]]]| ^::: ^MAX |1074 [[#References|[2]]]| ^ [[o_m_cost|Costi operativi e di manutenzione]] [CHF2010/kWth] ^^ ^ ^ 2011-2050 ^ ^Gas |14 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[2]]]| ^Olio |24 [[#References|[2]]]| ^Legno |36 [[#References|[2]]]| ^[[life_time|vita utile]] [anni] |17 [[#References|[2]]]| ===== Referenze ===== [1] [[http://www.rhincentive.co.uk/library/regulation/0907Heat_Supply_Curve.pdf|NERA & AEA (2009), The UK Supply Curve for Renewable Heat, Study for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.]] [2] [[http://ec.europa.eu/energy/strategies/2008/doc/2008_11_ser2/strategic_energy_review_wd_cost_performance.pdf|Commission of the European Communities (2008), Energy Sources, Production Costs and Performance of Technologies for Power Generation, Heating and Transport]]