====== Swiss industry mix ======
The evolution of the production quantities for each group of industry is expressed as a production index (100 = production in 2010). The values shown in the table are necessary to calculate the [[industry_energy_intensity|energy intensity]] of the Swiss industry for each of the scenarios presented in PROGNOS 2012 [[#References|[1]]].
^ Production indexes by groups [-] ^^^^^^
^High energy intensity^^Medium energy intensity ^^Low energy intensity ^^
^2035 ^2050 ^2035 ^2050 ^2035 ^2050 ^
|78 |59 |105 |103 |125 |140 |
The reader will find more information about assumptions and parameters for the different scenarios in the chapters 7.4.3; 8.4.3 and 9.4.3 of PROGNOS 2012 [[#References|[1]]].
===== References =====
[1] [[http://www.bfe.admin.ch/php/modules/publikationen/stream.php?extlang=de&name=de_564869151.pdf&endung=Die%20Energieperspektiven%20f%FCr%20die%20Schweiz%20bis%202050|PROGNOS 2012, Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050, Energienachfrage und Elektrizitätsangebot in der Schweiz 2000–2050.]]