====== Hydro dam cost ======
The hydro dam cost consists of the costs of the following elements:
* [[#Existing and New plants|Existing plants]]
* [[#Renovation|Renovations]]
* [[#Dam height increase|Dam height increases]]
* [[#Existing and New plants|New plants]]
It has been assumed that the existing 8.1 GW will always be used. Renovations, dams height increases and new plants will contribute to increase electricity production from [[hydro_dam_more_2|hydro dam]] in 900 GWh/year by 2050. This value do not include the electricity production reduction due to the effect of [[hydro_value_ranges|LEaux]]. The following table decomposses the electricity production increase. It has been created with the information from PROGNOS(2012)[[#References|[3]]] and OFEN(2012)[[#References|[2]]].
^Electricity production increase potential (2050 compared to 2011) [GWh] ^^
|Dam height increase|330 |
|Renovation |462.5 |
|New plants |107.5 |
|**Total** |**900** |
The use ($PotUse_i$) of the above listed potentials depends on the [[hydro_dam|hydro dam]] slider as in the following equation,
$PotUse_i = Pot_i * \displaystyle \frac{8.2 - Slider}{8.2 - 1}$
where $Pot_i$ is the one of the electricity production increase potentials and $Slider$ is the [[hydro_dam|Hydro dam]] slider value that is defined between 8.1 and 8.2 GW.
==== Renovation ====
The extra capacity related to renovation is calculated from the electricity production increase, assuming a capacity factor of 0.244. Its specific investment cost is 3'239 CHF/kWe [[#References|[4]]]. No O&M cost is considered as this cost is already accounted in the existing facilities.
==== Dam height increase ====
The fact on increasing the height of the dams has two effects:
* Additional electricity production (as the potential energy is higher) = 330 GWh
* The possibility to transfer electricity production from summer to winter. The higher storage capacity gives the option to turbine less water during summer, saving it for winter. It is has been estimated that the electricity production that can be moved from summer to winter can reach 2'400 GWh [[#References|[5]]]. The cost for the dams increase is related to the new storage capacity that allows shifting the production (0.8 - 3 CHF/kWhe [[#References|[5]]]). The storage capacity gained thanks to the dams increase also depends on the [[hydro_dam|hydro dam]] slider and it is calculated considering the same equation as for evaluating the use of the potentials.
==== Existing and New plants ====
The extra capacity related to new plants is calculated from the electricity production increase, assuming a capacity factor of 0.244.
^ Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe] ^^
^ ^2011-2050 ^
^MIN |4'750 [[#References|[1]]]|
^MID |5'687 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[4]]]|
^MAX |6'623 [[#References|[4]]]|
^ [[o_m_cost|O&M cost]] [CHF2010/kWe] ^
^2011-2050 ^
|21 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[4]]]|
^[[life_time|Lifetime]] [years] |40 [[#References|[1]]]|
===== References =====
[1] [[http://www.strom.ch/uploads/media/AES_DCB_01_Grande-hydraulique_03-2013.pdf|VSE (2012), Grande hydraulique]]
[2] [[http://www.news.admin.ch/NSBSubscriber/message/attachments/27058.pdf|OFEN (2012), Le potentiel hydroélectrique de la Suisse. Potentiel de développement de la force hydraulique au titre de la stratégie
énergétique 2050]]
[3] [[http://www.bfe.admin.ch/php/modules/publikationen/stream.php?extlang=de&name=de_564869151.pdf&endung=Die%20Energieperspektiven%20f%FCr%20die%20Schweiz%20bis%202050|Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050. Energienachfrage und Elektrizitätsangebot in der Schweiz 2000 – 2050]]
[4] [[http://www.bfe.admin.ch/php/modules/publikationen/stream.php?extlang=de&name=de_997347133.pdf&endung=Die%20Energieperspektiven%202035%20%96%20Band%205|PROGNOS (2007), Die Energieperspektiven 2035 - Band 5, Analyse und Bewertung des Elektrizitätsangebotes.]]
[5] A. Schleiss (2012), Talsperrenerhöhungen in der Schweiz: energiewirtschaftliche Bedeutung und Randbedingungen.