====== Appliances electricity consumption ======
The annual average electricity consumption of the appliances in a household [kWh/(year∙household)] is the selected parameter for measuring the appliances efficiency. In 2011, the appliances of household consumed an average of 2873 kWh [[#References|[1]]].
The values for the appliances electricity consumption are taken from the three scenarios presented in PROGNOS 2012 [[#References|[1]]] and they define the max and min values for the [[appliances_efficiency_more|appliances efficiency slider]].
The evolution of the appliances electricity consumption is expected to be:
^Appliances annual average electricity consumption of a household [kWh/(year∙household)] * ^^^^^^^^
^Appliance type ^ 2011 ^ 2035 ^^^ 2050 ^^^
^::: ^2011 ^BaU ^PM ^NEP ^BaU ^PM ^NEP ^
|Electric stoves and ovens |401 |357 |344 |344 |342 |310 |304 |
|Auxiliaries for cooking |307 |281 |271 |263 |275 |253 |242 |
|Appliances (no cooking) |853 |604 |562 |534 |580 |504 |467 |
|IT and audio-visual systems |431 |343 |324 |313 |329 |293 |282 |
|Air conditioning and ventilation systems |350 |455 |416 |383 |659 |596 |526 |
|Others |531 |621 |619 |592 |665 |661 |615 |
|TOTAL |2873 |2661 |2537 |2429 |2851 |2618 |2436 |
//*BaU = Bussines as Usual, PM = Political Measures of the Federal Council, NEP = New Energy Policies//
The reader will find more information about assumptions and parameters for the different scenarios in chapters; and of PROGNOS 2012 [[#References|[1]]].
===== References =====
[1] [[http://www.bfe.admin.ch/php/modules/publikationen/stream.php?extlang=de&name=de_564869151.pdf&endung=Die%20Energieperspektiven%20f%FCr%20die%20Schweiz%20bis%202050|PROGNOS 2012, Die Energieperspektiven für die Schweiz bis 2050, Energienachfrage und Elektrizitätsangebot in der Schweiz 2000–2050.]]