====== Solar thermal emissions ======
The emissions per GWhth produced by a [[d_solar|thermo solar panel]] are calculated from Ecoinvent V2.2 [[#References|[1]]] (dataset: solar system, flat plate collector, multiple dwelling, hot water, CH, [unit]). The selected data set provides the emissions per installed panel (emissions panel 2011). The next formula has been used to obtain the emissions/GWhth:
$Emissions_{2035 or 2050} = \frac{solar\:system\:emissions}{25 [years] * Heat\:delivered\:by\:the\:solar\:system [GWh/year]}$
The heat delivered by the solar system is 0.03766 GWh/year and it is calculated assuming a mean temperature of the water inside the panel equal to 40°C.
===== References =====
[1] [[http://www.ecoinvent.ch/|Ecoinvent V2.2]]