====== Coal power plant cost ====== Next tables contain the economic parameters that have been introduced in the [[coal|Coal power plant]] (without [[co2_storage|CCS]]) model. ^ Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe] ^^^^^ ^ ^ 2035-2050 ^^^^ ^::: ^SC ^USC ^A-USC ^IGCC ^ ^MIN |1'393 [[#References|[6]]] |1'624 [[#References|[6]]] |2'400 |1'184 [[#References|[2]]]| ^MID |2'127 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[2]]][[#References|[4]]][[#References|[5]]][[#References|[6]]]|1'989 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[6]]]|2'400 |1'986 [[#References|[1]]][[#References|[2]]][[#References|[3]]][[#References|[4]]][[#References|[6]]]| ^MAX |2'487 [[#References|[2]]]|2'261 [[#References|[1]]]|2'400 |3'079 [[#References|[2]]]| ^ [[o_m_cost|O&M cost]] [CHF2010/kWe] ^^^^ ^ 2035-2050 ^^^^ ^SC ^USC ^A-USC ^IGCC ^ |61.4 [[#References|[1]]]|67.8 [[#References|[1]]]|67.8 [[#References|[1]]]|82.9 [[#References|[1]]]| ^[[life_time|Life time]] [years] |40 [[#References|[5]]]| Next tables contain the economic parameters that have been introduced in the [[coal|Coal power plant]] (with [[co2_storage|CCS]]) model. The investment for the plants with [[co2_storage|CCS]] has been considered to be 60% [[#References|[3]]] higher respect to the same technology without [[co2_storage|CCS]] for SC, USC and A-USC, while the IGCC-CCS is assumed to have 20% [[#References|[3]]] higher investment cost. ^ Specific investment [CHF2010/kWe] ^^^^^ ^ ^ 2035-2050 ^^^^ ^::: ^SC ^USC ^A-USC ^IGCC ^ ^MIN |2'229 |2'598 |3'840 |1'421 | ^MID |3'403 |3'182 |3'840 |2'384 | ^MAX |3'979 |3'617 |3'840 |3'695 | ^ [[o_m_cost|O&M cost]] [CHF2010/kWe] ^^^^ ^ 2035-2050 ^^^^ ^SC ^USC ^A-USC ^IGCC ^ |86 [[#References|[1]]]|93.9 * |93.9 *|110 [[#References|[1]]]| The O&M cost for USC-CCS and A-USC-CCS is based on the following formulas: $O\&M_{USC-CCS} = \frac{O\&M_{SC-CCS}}{O\&M_{SC}}*O\&M_{US}$ $O\&M_{A-USC-CCS} = \frac{O\&M_{SC-CCS}}{O\&M_{SC}}*O\&M_{A-USC}$ ^[[life_time|Lifetime]] [years] |40 [[#References|[5]]]| ===== References ===== [1] [[http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/media/weowebsite/2014/weio/WEIO2014PGAssumptions.xlsx|IEA (2014), WEIO 2014-Power Generation Investments Assumptions.]] [2] [[http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/TechnologyRoadmapHighEfficiencyLowEmissionsCoalFiredPowerGeneration_Updated.pdf|IEA(2012), Technology Roadmap: High-Efficiency, Low-Emissions Coal-Fired Power Generation]] [3] [[http://www.needs-project.org/docs/RS1a%20D7.2%20Final%20report%20on%20advanced%20fossil%20power%20plants.pdf|NEEDS project(2008), Final report on technical data, costs, and life cycle inventories of advanced fossil power generation systems]] [4] [[http://ec.europa.eu/energy/energy2020/roadmap/doc/roadmap2050_ia_20120430_en.pdf|European Commission (2011), Energy Roadmap 2050, Impact assessment and scenario analysis]] [5] TECHPOL database [6] [[http://web.mit.edu/coal/The_Future_of_Coal.pdf|MIT(2007), The future of coal]]