====== Coal emissions ======
The data for the emissions of [[coal_more|Coal Power Plants]] with and without [[co2_storage_more_2|CCS]] comes from the NEEDS project. In the LCA database [[#References|[1]]], there are three different forecasts for each technology and year (2025 or 2050): Pessimistic (PE), Realistic optimistic (RO) and Very optimistic (VO).
Next table includes the names of the scenarios that have been selected for the emissions of the years 2035 and 2050 in the calculator.
^ ^ Emissions [[#References|[1]]] ^^^^
^::: ^ **2035** ^^ **2050** ^^
^**Technology**^ **No CCS** ^ **CCS** ^ **No CCS** ^ **CCS** ^
|**SC**|(2011)440ppm| | | |
===== References =====
[1] [[http://www.needs-project.org/needswebdb/search.php|The NEEDS Life Cycle Inventory Database]]